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Weekend Preview May 19-24
Bob Dylan tributes, Deborah Voigt, Tom Paxton, Bill Kirchen, John Kirk and Trish Miller

Celebrating Bob Dylan's 70th Birthday in Style
Paying tribute to the greatest rock songwriter ever

FILM REVIEW: In a Better World and Of Gods and Men
Review by Seth Rogovoy

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Deborah Voigt Headlines Mahaiwe Gala
Opera star to sing arias, show tunes on Saturday, May 21

Famed Spiritual Teacher to Speak on Nonviolence
Mother Maya in free talk at Sruti Yoga in Great Barrington, Mass., on Friday May 20 at 7pm

Special Effects Wizard to Be Honored by Film Festival
Doug Trumbull to be Feted by BIFF

Weekend Preview May 12-16
Cultural Highlights of the Berkshire Weekend

Talk about a small world
Elaine and I grew up together, but only just recently met....

Berkshire Living to Cease Publication
A Farewell from Publisher Michael Zivyak

twiGs Branches Out
Lenox boutique launches new e-tail site

[MUSIC REVIEW] Avalon Quartet in Close Encounters at Mahaiwe
Review by Seth Rogovoy

[MUSIC REVIEW] Avalon Quartet in Close Encounters at Mahaiwe
Review by Seth Rogovoy

[FILM REVIEW] Bill Cunningham New York
Review by Seth Rogovoy

[FILM REVIEW] Bill Cunningham New York
Review by Seth Rogovoy

[MUSIC REVIEW] Wilco at Tanglewood
August 12, 2008
by Seth Rogovoy
(Lenox, Mass., August 12, 2008) -- While there was a little too much hype claiming that this was the first authentic rock concert at Tanglewood since the 1970s (as recent as the mid to late 1990s, artists including Bob Dylan and Neil Young performed there several times), Wilco's appearance on Tuesday night was, nevertheless, triumphant -- as much for what they accomplished musically as for what they stood for in terms of breaking a perceived barrier against rock at Tanglewood.
Having been well acquainted with the band's music but never having seen the group perform, one had no idea what to expect, and frankly, one was a little puzzled? How would the group capture the well-textured intimacy of some of its later work? Would the seemingly introspective Jeff Tweedy be enough of a presence to hold a concertgoer's interest for at least two hours?
Well, this concertgoer was pleasantly blown away on all accounts. In every way Wilco surpassed all expectations. When the music required pretty and lush, the arrangements were pretty and lush -- even more so than on record. When the music required a hard-rock crunch, the band, powered by phenomental guitarist Nels Cline, out sonic-ed Sonic Youth. And as for Tweedy, he as an utterly charming, genial, if low-key frontman -- making the most of his limited vocal range but retaining focus and, yes, entertaining the crowd with Chaplinesque gestures and well-chosen asides in between songs.
Wilco's mix of The Band-like Americana with Beatlesque pop is pretty unique, and with the addition of some funk, some noise-rock, and some glam, the band pulled off a diverse, upbeat show out of even its gloomiest material. The secret is that so much of Tweedy's work celebrates music itself, that, in the end, Wilco is at its best as a live band, even more than as a recording act.
The one weak link in the show, one that didn't detract at all but didn't add anything either, was the occasional addition of a three-man horn section from Chicago called "The Total Pros." That they weren't is probably the kindest thing one could say about them.
Seth Rogovoy is the editor-in-chief and award-winning music critic at Berkshire Living Magazine.