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Weekend Preview May 19-24
Bob Dylan tributes, Deborah Voigt, Tom Paxton, Bill Kirchen, John Kirk and Trish Miller

Celebrating Bob Dylan's 70th Birthday in Style
Paying tribute to the greatest rock songwriter ever

FILM REVIEW: In a Better World and Of Gods and Men
Review by Seth Rogovoy

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Deborah Voigt Headlines Mahaiwe Gala
Opera star to sing arias, show tunes on Saturday, May 21

Famed Spiritual Teacher to Speak on Nonviolence
Mother Maya in free talk at Sruti Yoga in Great Barrington, Mass., on Friday May 20 at 7pm

Special Effects Wizard to Be Honored by Film Festival
Doug Trumbull to be Feted by BIFF

Weekend Preview May 12-16
Cultural Highlights of the Berkshire Weekend

Talk about a small world
Elaine and I grew up together, but only just recently met....

Berkshire Living to Cease Publication
A Farewell from Publisher Michael Zivyak

twiGs Branches Out
Lenox boutique launches new e-tail site

[MUSIC REVIEW] Avalon Quartet in Close Encounters at Mahaiwe
Review by Seth Rogovoy

[MUSIC REVIEW] Avalon Quartet in Close Encounters at Mahaiwe
Review by Seth Rogovoy

[FILM REVIEW] Bill Cunningham New York
Review by Seth Rogovoy

[FILM REVIEW] Bill Cunningham New York
Review by Seth Rogovoy

[DANCE REVIEW] Bebe Miller Company at Jacob's Pillow
Bebe Miller Company
Doris Duke Studio Theatre
August 23-26, 2007
Review by SETH ROGOVOY, editor-in-chief and critic-at-large for BERKSHIRE LIVING Magazine
(BECKET, Mass., August 24, 2007) -- Following by a week the disappointing multimedia performance of Bridgman/Packer, Bebe Miller's Landing/Place was a welcome tonic that made a dancegoer open his mind again to the possibilities of the use of video and animation in dance.
Miller's full-length, 70-minute program, featuring five dancers, composer Albert Mathias performing his score, and "motion capture" video and animation, wasn't always crystal clear, but the energy never flagged and it was full of surprises. Most importantly, even though the subject matter was ostensibly exploring one's sense of home, which in this case seems to have involved a journey from the Southern U.S. (with Mathias playing some suggestive bluesy riffs on his lap steel guitar) to Eritrea, from where Miller's ancestors hail, the dance never took itself so seriously that it wasn't able to laugh, or rather, provoke lighter moments.
If one thing was clear about the best programs at the Pillow this summer, it is that those that were willing to relax and laugh -- even while occasionally provoking or even shocking an audience -- were the best.
And Bebe Miller Company was one of them.